Aaron Michael Zook
Actor/writer, New York City
Aaron Michael Zook
Stats: 6’1”
Voice: Baritone (E2 - G4, rock falsetto to C5)
Degree: MFA Acting, Ohio State University
Location: New York City
BODY Ensemble dir. Jessica Burr Blessed Unrest
LICKSPITTLES, BUTTONHOLERS... Stub dir. John Hurley Boomerang Theatre
A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM Theseus dir. August Schulenburg Flux Theatre Ensemble
12TH NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD Orsino dir. John Hurley Impetuous Theatre Group
ALL’S WELL THAT ENDS WELL Bertram dir. Philip Emmeot Boomerang Theatre
KING LEAR Edgar dir. Philip Emmeot Boomerang Theatre
ARTIST DESCENDING A STAIRCASE Martello dir. John Hurley Boomerang Theatre
MEASURE FOR MEASURE Provost dir. John Hurley Astoria Performing Arts Center
ROMEO AND JULIET Friar Lawrence dir. Grant Goodman The Touring Company
FLOYD COLLINS Homer Collins dir. Rodney Fairbanks Phoenix Theatre, FL
CABARET The Emcee dir. Rodney Fairbanks Phoenix Theatre, FL
DRACULA Renfield dir. Rodney Fairbanks Phoenix Theatre, FL
OTHELLO Iago dir. Alison Bomber The Ohio State University
AIDA Zoser dir. James Bohr The Ohio State University
THE THREE SISTERS Vershinin dir. Maureen Ryan The Ohio State University
BY THE GASWORKS WALL Jimmy dir. Ibsen Santos The Ohio State University
THE CAMOUFLAGE PROJECT Brian Stonehouse dir. Lesley Ferris The Ohio State University
O PIONEERS! Carl dir. Jeanine Thompson The Ohio State University
PALMER PARK Sol Rifkin dir. Maureen Ryan The Ohio State University
THE LONG NIGHT Gumshoe The Ohio State University
THIS ABOVE ALL The Janitor The Ohio State University
2010 - present
2010 - present
The Missionary The Missionary dir. Rob Christie
Mansion Macbeth dir. Ibsen Santos
The Forgetting Amnesiac dir. Aaron Michael Zook OSU Theatre Dept.
Noir Inspector dir. Aaron Michael Zook OSU Theatre Dept.